Environmental Ideologies and Management

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The essay will start by defining key concepts, which are spatial response, environmental ideology and environmental management, then after that the essay will go on to discuss the reality in the assertion spatial response is more a function of environment ideology than environmental management. The conclusion will be largely drawn summarise the whole essay. Spatial is the space around an organism occupies and interacts with the environment, and is able to sustain it with the resources needed for its survival. Supporters of ecological modernization believe that industrial development and ecological protection are not incompatible. The concept of environment is a holistic phenomenon which refers to, “the circumstances or conditions an organism or group of organism as well as the complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community”, (Cunningham, 2004:383). The concept of environment encompasses the social, political, cultural and economical aspects of a society; a decision made and passed in one aspect as an effect on the environment which can either be negative or positive. There is no generally accepted meaning of ideology, as it is a concept which is mainly used to analyse the interactions of conflict and consensus. An ideology is a set of ideas that constitute one’s goals, expectations, and actions, (Giddens, 2006:110). Ideologies provide a comprehensive and specified guideline in achieving the planned outcome or vision; them actually direct or put things in a broader perspective using tenets within a given context. Psychologists like J. J. Gibson believed that human perception of ecological relationships was the basis of self awareness and cognition. Combining the two concepts of environment and ideology, environmental ideology can be defined has a set of prior beliefs about the importance of environmental conservation or the use of
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