Effective Ethics Training in Organizations

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Effective Ethics Training in Organizations 1 Effective Ethics Training in Organizations James E. Goddard Abstract This paper covers successful techniques used to effectively train employees of all levels in an organization. I will cover the framework of ethics training and provide some real world examples pertaining to ethics training. Most of my examples are from the military setting but could be applied within a business environment to ensure the most out of ethics training. Although several sources were used developing the essay most of the textbook facts for this essay came from chapter eight in our textbook Ethical Decision Making In Business: A Managerial Approach (Ferrell, Ferrell, and Fraedrich., 2013). Establishing Ethics Programs Training people to be ethically correct is very difficult because it is not as cut and dry as two plus two equals four. When I think of ethics training, I believe it is similar to teaching somebody to be a good leader. This is not really something that can be taught, we can only give them the tools necessary to make the correct choices. Just complying with standards, laws, and regulations will not cover every ethical situation employees, managers, and leaders will encounter. Normally a person’s ethical conduct comes from the way they were raised or their values and culture background. This starts at childhood and develops as we grow older. That is why it is important for organizations to have a continuous ethics training and awareness program. We learn the value of ethics from our surroundings. Just like an employee would learn from the behavior of the organization and the conduct of its leaders. The leaders should hold themselves accountable and exemplify the highest ethical behavior because

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