Eastern Religions Research Paper

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Eastern Religions in America Directions: Using the article “Buddha Rising” as well as information from the internet, your job will be to find out how Americans perceive five different “Eastern” religions: Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Daosim, and Confucianism. To do this you will need to consider the following for each religion: 1. What words, images, or ideas immediately pop to your mind? Based on your understanding of the religion are these ideas accurate? Why or why not? When I hear the word Sikhism I immediately think of the Middle East and Muslims. Bad countries, war and terrorists pop into my head as well due to the information we get from news or other media on these Middle Eastern countries. No these do not seem accurate, Sikhism is a fairly peaceful religion devoted to god and look for a truthful and peaceful living. 2. How do Americans on the whole perceive these religions? What initial feeling seem to pop to their mind? What appears when you do a quick…show more content…
People of the Sikh religion have also been senators and government officials for states of the US. Ex: Virginia (2012) and Connecticut (2009). I do not think this religion is involved in our culture much; Sikhism only makes up about .08% of the US. Sikhism isn’t viewed in a bad or good way, it’s kind of an unknown religion by most and you couldn’t directly point at someone and know there a Sikh. With less Sikhs in the US we have less known about them which causes the neither negative nor positive view on them. 4. What examples of the religion do you find locally (this Plateau, but if that is not possible, broaden your search to Seattle)? Have you ever seen people in worship or places of worship? How did you feel about that? If you know anyone of each religion, how does that color it (positively or

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