Ap Human Geography Chapter 7 Guided Reading

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AP Human Geography Chapter 7 Guided Reading – 1st Half Dying and Resurrecting 1. Why were the churches in ruins in the area that was the former Soviet Union? 2. Why did the government of the former Soviet Union choose and official policy of atheism? 3. How did officials do #2 above? 4. What did the Soviet Union do in Islamic areas? (Who did it tolerate?) 5. How did these Soviet policies impact religion? 6. Describe the divide and diminish plan. 7. What happened when the Republics became independent states? 8. What did the Russian Orthodox church do in 1996? Why did they do this? What is Religion and What Role Does it Play in Culture? 9. What two areas of human geography lie at the foundations of culture? 10. Do religions change over time? 11. How can people’s religious beliefs change by interactions with others? 12. Through ___________________ and ____________________, religions of the world have diffused across cultural barriers and language boundaries. 13. What are some things in cultural landscapes that are markers of religions? 14. What else in the cultural landscape could show prevailing religious views? 15. How can modes of dress and personal habits reflect religious views? 16. How do Stoddard and Prorak define religion? 17. How do people’s actions reflect their religious beliefs? (should and shouldn’t do) 18. What may religious rituals mark? 19. What now prevails in some societies? 20. What is the meaning of the term in #12? Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism, Confucianism 21. Define monotheistic, polytheistic, and animistic. 22. What two religions have the greatest number of believers today? 23. Why should you be cautious when looking at maps of world religions? 24. What is a universalizing religion? Give an example. 25. What is an ethnic religion? Give two examples. 26. Where does
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