E100 Tma02 Essay

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Task 1 I decided upon choosing the following key question; ‘What is the best way for me to develop imaginative play within my setting.’ After considering the following statement, it was clear my key question suited my requirements; ‘Play opportunities which are meaningful to children provide rich learning environments to support children’s development. The interconnectedness of play and learning means that in any play situation, a learning opportunity is evident.’ (E105, Block 3) As a home tutor working in someone else’s home, it is often difficult for me to incorporate suitable play areas within the setting all the time. The setting has strict rules for keeping areas clean and tidy and toys are put away when not in use. From studying Block 3 and trying to decide on a suitable question, I decided upon my question out of ‘a desire to enhance children’s environments for learning and development’ My investigations into the imaginative play of the children in my setting began by me undertaking a series of observations. The purpose of these observations was to ‘identify the principles of the EYFS to evaluate the effectiveness of a provision in an area of learning’ From my reading of the course materials, I felt it was important to allow the children to participate in the activities with me only observing from a distance and not getting involved much. I observed five children in my setting over a 2-week period and kept observation records of these using tracking observation sheets and written accounts, as evidenced in Appendix 1 and 2. During one of these observations, Child A was playing happily in the role play corner that had been set up that day to reflect the topic of Fruit and Vegetables. She was pretending to be both the shopkeeper and also the customer. It was great to see her using her imagination in such a way. She pretended to write a list whilst
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