Support Children and Young People’s Health and Safety

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Unit Three 1. Describe four factors to consider when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments As a professional working with children, it is our responsibility to ensure that the children we work with feel safe, secure and protected. When it comes to planning activities, we must take into account the safety, security, hygiene and comfort of pupils who will be taking part. A learning environment can be in almost any area, inside or outside the school that is used for learning. For example, a learning environment could be; classroom, science lab, art studio, playground or sports field. An important factor to remember when planning an activity, inside or outside, is that all children and young people should be given equal opportunities. All children, including those with special needs, need to be considered when planning the learning environment. This means the environment may have to be adapted to meet specific needs. Four factors that need to be considered when planning a safe learning environment are: Cleanliness – whilst outdoors it is important to ensure that the learning environment is hygienic to use, ensuring the area is clean, free of litter, animal excretion, etc. We need to make sure any equipment being used outdoors is clean and safe to use, resources and materials must be used according to the manufacturer’s instructions and alongside guidelines in the school’s health and safety guidelines. Security – this is important both outdoors and indoors. In the outside environment pupils could wander off, so it is important to ensure that there are enough adults to supervise all the children. Lists should be made of adults and the pupils they are responsible for, so that everybody is accounted for. Indoors it is important to ensure pupils are safe, that they cannot open doors, wander off or get lost.
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