Cache Level 3 Diploma Childcare and Education Unit 6 Perd

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Unit 6 PERD. P6.1 TASK ONE: The first activity that I have participated in that promotes children’s health was when a dental nurse attended the setting to show children how to maintain their oral health. When planning this activity there were many factors to be considered. One of these factors was whether or not the activity was suitable for the age range of the children who attended the setting in regards to the EYFS curriculum. However, once my supervisor and I had ensured that health was to be taught to children at the age of 4-5 years, we began to plan out the activity. Another factor was that the activity also linked into the Every Child Matters Programme. The activity did in fact link into the programme’s framework, which we found out by researching. The programme has 5 possible outcomes, including ‘Be Healthy’ which the activity itself links in to. Once we had gathered all the necessary information, we then had to plan how to deliver the information to the children in a way that all abilities could understand. We did this by drawing up a lesson plan and observing children in day-to-day activities to assess their capabilities in carrying out simple tasks such as sitting still on the carpet for short or long periods of time without being distracted by their surroundings or peers. We took notes of the children’s behaviours and took this into consideration when planning on how to deliver the session. The final factor we took into consideration was how deprived the area is that we were working with. The setting is surrounded by an estate which is economically deprived. There are 2 local shops which are only small stores. Would they be able to provide the resources we needed? Once we had finally discussed the planning of the lesson, we decided to plan out the resources we needed and the budget of the activity, as well as the overall cost once totalled up.
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