Domestic Violence Against Males

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Domestic Abuse Against Men: The Truth| November 9, 2011 Domestic violence is widely known as a serious issue. It is apparent that women are victims of abuse, but does it ever cross their minds that men are also victims? It’s hard for anyone to believe that women assault men at the same rate men assault women. Introduction Domestic violence is widely known as a serious issue. It is apparent that women are victims of abuse, but does it ever cross their minds that men are also victims? This topic is very under-minded; in society and influenced by the media. Could it be that male and female stereotypes have made it this way? Intimate partner violence against males is being recognized more throughout the years. It is hard for anyone to believe that women assault men at the rate men assault women. If men are victims of spousal abuse just as much as women why do so many go unreported? Among these couples who are both victims of violent acts, is it possible that all women are acting in self-defense? These are some of the questions I will be answering. I am only going to address male on female, female on male, and not male on male violence. There is a wide range of studies and statistics that represent both male and female victims of domestic violence and physical abuse. Physical abuse involves contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, injury, or other physical suffering or bodily harm. Violence is defined as behavior involving physical force, intent to hurt, damage or kill. Are women just as capable as men of performing these acts? I want to challenge the common assumption of how men and women behave, and mend the minds of readers with a stereotypical point-of-view on intimate partner abuse (IPV). The research further into this reading still astonishes me, and will hopefully do the same for you; Opening your mind to a less gender-biased opinion.

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