Doctor Assisted Suicide Case Study

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Ethics Gwen Summers and Lisa Negron University of Phoenix On-line Is a doctor-assisted suicide ethical if the patient requests that it be done? How about helping a felon who escaped from prison and is bleeding to death on your front lawn? What about stealing food from a store because your family has nothing to eat? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica Online (2005), ethics is “the discipline concerned with what is morally good and bad, right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles.” We, however, believe that ethics is a combination of what each individual believes to be right or wrong and how that individual critically evaluates a situation without sway from social, political,…show more content…
Some ethical issues turn out for the better and yet some turn out for the worse. For some reason, when people enter the work force, they have pre-conceived notions that everything will be perfect. Almost anyone that has had experience within their workplace can vouch that those are quickly proven to be false notions. A situation involving bad ethics that is handled well can improve a company’s overall functions. Gwen Summers ran into this type of scenario and has decided to share her…show more content…
Ethics is not just going by what the people around us tell us to do. We must incorporate different things into our evaluation of ethical issues and situations. First we have the teachings we were raised with. Second we have to critically think about the outcomes and effects that our decisions might make on other people’s lives. And thirdly, we must separate ourselves from using social, political, religious and legal beliefs in making a sound decision on how to handle ethical situations that we encounter in our workplace as well as our daily lives. How will you handle your next ethical situation? Will you evaluate it with critical thought or base it on what the world around us

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