Do You Need Speech Coach?

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Case 1:Communication: Do you need speech coach? Questions 1. What do you think explain the growth of speech coaches in business? Briefly, Communication, particularly oral communication is an essential skill, maybe more now than ever. With all of the electronic communication, good oral communication should stand out. A speech coach is a professional who helps improve presentation skills in a variety of ways. A speech coach may work with one client on overcoming a fear of public speaking and with another client by focusing on an upcoming speech to make it dynamic and effective. Types: There are several different types of speech coaches. Some speech coaches work exclusively with high-level business executives, preparing them to deliver major proposals. Another speech coach may specialize in theater and help actors use their voice to deliver a powerful performance. Uses: When you hire a speech coach, you may have several different reasons. Perhaps you are a very articulate speaker but seem very stiff and uncomfortable behind the podium---a speech coach can help you with your body language to improve the overall presentation. A speech coach can also help you develop interviewing skills or successfully handle an intimidating press conference. Significance: A speech coach can have a significant impact on your career. He or she can help you establish yourself as a commanding and authoritative presence, which can help you if you're running for a political office or if seeking a job or promotion. Considerations: When locating a speech coach, be aware of the many different titles in addition to "speech coach" such as communications consultant or speech consultant. Also, speech coaches may charge by the hour or on a project basis, so it is important to talk about fees before starting to work with your coach. Potential: A speech coach has the potential to help you
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