Do Video Games Effect Violence in Children

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Are you tired of old hags, who were abused in their childhood by their drunk dad, censoring video games because they believe it makes people as violent as their drunk dad was? We are! Since the beginning there was crime, deadly and non-deadly, but since the release of violent video games the people have finally acquired something to blame. If anything should be banned due to unsafety and violence is medicinal drugs (marijuana), fire-arms possession and the easily accessible alcoholic beverages such as beer, spirits and cocktails. There are other forms of media that are just as violent, graphical and sexual as video games, these range from movies and TV shows to music videos and even news. Violence I video games does not make children violent. Video games do not make children violent, there is no relation between violence in children and violence in video games. Since the beginning there was crime, deadly and non-deadly, but since the release of violent video games the people have finally acquired something to blame. There is a lack of evidence proving that there was ever any correlation between violence in video games and violence in children that have played these video games. Violent juvenile crime in the United States has been declining as violent video game popularity has increased. The arrest rate for juvenile murders has fallen 71.9% between 1995 and 2008. The arrest rate for all juvenile violent crimes has declined 49.3%. In this same period, video game sales have more than sextupled (650%) between 1996 and 2010 (Entertainment Software Asssociation 2009) (Entertainment Software Association 2013). In 2005, the US had 2,279 murders committed by teenagers (27.9 per million residents) compared to 73 in Japan (3.1 per million). Per capita video game sales were $5.20 in the US compared to $47 in Japan. This example illustrates that there is no correlation between
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