Discovery Of America

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A research proposal concerning: Who deserves the credit for the discovery of America? The discovery of America is the most controversial issue discussed in many classroom settings. Many people think that Columbus deserves the credit for the discovery of America while, others believe that he deserves no credit because when he landed on the Island there were already natural inhabitants there who had been living there for centuries. When I think about this situation many questions run through my mind like: Why did he receive all the credit for the discovery of a place that had already existed? What would happen if the Indians received the credit? Why did they make a national holiday for Columbus? And was Columbus an imperialist? I often wondered if there would have been a national holiday if the Indians received the credit for the discovery of the New World. This so called, New World was new to Columbus but, old to the Indians who had been living there for centuries. I believe that you can’t claim a place that has already been discovered and that’s what Columbus did with his so called discovery of the New World. No one will ever know the truth behind Columbus’s reasons for going on this discovery. Was he there for the experience or the wealth that comes with his discovery? Every October, we celebrate a holiday in honor of a man who discovered America. I believe that Christopher Columbus did not discover America and does not deserve credit for it. The only thing that Columbus did was land on an Island that had already been discovered in hopes of receiving gold and fame for his discovery? There were many other explores during the age of exploration that received no credit for their expeditions. In The Age of Exploration by Sarah Flowers lies the truth behind all the explorers that have gone unnoticed such as: DaGama, Magellan and many

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