American Culture Project Essay

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American Culture Project (Period 1) Background Information- During the year 1491- 1607 the age of exploration was taking a turn into colonization for the Spaniards as Christopher Columbus landed on Hispaniola where he made the first settlement of the Americas. His voyage’s would end up being unfunded from the Spanish royalties by 1504 since he didn’t find the gold he was looking for. After a few years past from Columbus’s first 2 voyages to the New World Amerigo Vespucci a merchant went down south close to the coasts of Brazil where he concluded that they had hit a new continent. Over the years Spain would send troops to the newly found continent to conquer and spread Christianity, gain glory, and find riches. Leading the Spaniards to…show more content…
The anatomy of the trumpet consisted of gourds at the end of tube creating resonance chambers. In the Mayan society they had many instruments and such as the conch that helped in war, hunting deer, and used in rituals. - Drums (Huehuetl) The drums were used in both the Mayan and Aztec culture as depicted by the picture to the left where an Aztec is using the huehuetl. These drum had their origins from the Mayans who created the drum big with wood making it unfortunate that these instruments never survived. The drums connects to an open resonance chamber without a membrane. There were other drums that were of use other than the huehuetl such as a kettle drum and tortoise and turtle shell drums played by deer antlers or by hand. - Flutes The Mayans made many instruments and another one would be the flute that would be used in many cultures throughout America. These instruments are too old to truly know when they were created during the time. We do know that these flutes were mostly made from wood, bone, reed, or clay which then had a tube from 2 choices. The instrument had 2 variants a ceramic flute and an effigy flute was used. These were mostly not depicted in art but was seen either way in cases such as vases or some paintings that were
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