An Essay On The Aztec Religion

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AZTEC After reading the Aztec article, I found that besides interesting , the Aztecs have a very complex religion. It seems they focus a lot on cosmology and astrology. Another thing I found interesting were the sorts of gods that Aztecs had. They were a people who believed in many gods. The Aztecs worshiped hundreds of gods and goddesses; each represented a different aspect of life. The Rain god, Sun god, vegetation god and fertility god. The Tezcatlipoca, the warrior god of the north and the god of sin and misery. The Huitzilopochtli was the Aztec god o the obsidian knife who sprang forth from his mother’s belly to kill his siblings. The Quetzalcoati was the Aztec god of the wind. Camaxti is a god of war and hunting. Chalchiuhtlicue…show more content…
Their religion consists of human sacrifice, rituals, mythic and cosmic elements from the culture groups. They would offer up the human heart to their god. The human sacrifices was a show of dedication to their religion. Many of the humans sacrificed were war prisoners or childrens. They felt that human blood gave the gods strength. They believed that the Gods needed constant supplies of fresh blood otherwise they’d wither and die. The Aztec culture originated in the four-corner area of present day Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and Colorado. The Aztecs built cities such as Tenochtitlan, which was their island capital. The Aztecs expressed themselves through music, arts, crafts, and sciences. Music played an important role in Aztec religious rituals. Music was played along with chanting to help worship the gods. Another way to worship their gods was through art. One popular piece is the Stone Calendar. The Stone calendar represented the Aztec universe. This not just a calendar, there are two more. One calendar, called the xiuhpohualli, has 356 days. It describes the days and rituals related to the seasons, and might be called the agricultural year or solar year. The other calendar is called the tonalpohualli it has 250

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