Describe Two or More Features of Dewey’s Laboratory School, Linking Them to Relevant Aspects of the Household.

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John Dewey acknowledged that the traditional household was the inspiration behind his new model for schools. Describe two or more features of Dewey’s laboratory school, linking them to relevant aspects of the household. Do you think that a school modelled on the traditional American household has any relevance for the way we model schools here in Ireland in the 21st century? Give reasons for your answer. Without doubt it is fair to say that the views and ideas of John Dewey have been the base of many of the modern schooling systems throughout the world. He looked at the way in which people were thought during his times and through his work explained what the factors were which shaped the schooling methods at that time. He then went on to describe his own view of how a school should be set up and also the style of teaching which he believed would best meet the need of the students. In this essay I will be basing my views mainly on two publications by Dewey; they are The School and Society Being Three Lecturers and also The Dewey School: The Laboratory School of the University of Chicago, 1896-1903. These books help to explain Dewey’s views on education. Dewey recognised the delicate situation which arose when trying to design a whole new schooling model. He stated ‘whenever we have in mind the discussion of a new movement in education, it is especially necessary to take the broader, or social view. Otherwise, changes in the school institution and tradition will be looked at as the arbitrary inventions of particular teachers, at the worst transitory fads, and at the best merely improvement in certain details’ (Dewey, 1990) for this reason when looking at Dewey’s laboratory school it is important to ensure that we know what the main aims of this school were in order to get a greater understanding of why Dewey used the methods of teaching that he did and also to

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