Constructivist Theory And Best Practices: Secondary Education

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Constructivist Theory and Best Practices: Secondary Education November 17, 2008 Learning Design of the Constructivist Theory In the twenty first century it is clearly evident that the traditional teaching style must be changed to adapt to technology and teaching and learning issues of this time period. The learning design of the constructivist theory is about the various styles of teaching among different teachers that promotes learning in the classroom. According to Gagnon and Collay, “the CLD (Constructivist Learning Design) is a guide to organizing for learning, using six elements: Situation, Groups, Bridge, Task, Exhibit, and Reflection” (Gagnon & Collay, p.17, 2006). All six elements of the Constructivist Learning Design that Gagnon and Collay describe have been developed to promote educators to implement the constructivist theory in the classroom. It is highly important to keep the students engaged while teaching. The teacher has the duty of guiding, facilitating or coordinating learning. It is not beneficial to the student when the teacher dispenses information, and the student is expected to retain information like a recorder. Constructivist teaching should not be thought of as a gigantic, agreed-upon concept. “The theory suggests that that individuals create their own new understandings, based upon the interaction of what they already know and believe, and the phenomena or ideas with which they come into contact” (Richardson, p.3, 1997). One can observe a child at age one or two constructing their own knowledge. Young children are not necessarily taught how to speak, but through interactions with others and children. They build a collection with words and phrases; eventually formulating complete sentences and participating in conversations. Given that children construct their own knowledge to a certain extent,
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