Gen 201 Continuing Academic Success

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Continuing Academic Success Linda Bolling GEN/201 September 8, 2014 Susan Kocyba Continuing Academic Success Academic success contributes to all aspects in your life, from when you’re young to when you’re old, whether you’re in school or not. Setting goals, knowing your learning style, using available resources, and learning critical thinking will help to ensure your academic success. Everyone needs some kind of structure in their lives or it would be total confusion. Setting goals and keeping them is a good start to keep order in your life. Staying focused on your goals will allow you to see your future better. Goals don’t have to be anything major, they could be just to start taking notes in a different way or completing your assignments on time. My educational goal is to learn more about the writing process because I find it necessary in order for me to write a book that my son wants. After…show more content…
This process gives you a more structural way of learning. Basically getting you to dig deeper on whatever business you are working on. Once you have this deposited in your remembrance, when questioned on what you comprehend about the subject you’ll be ready with not only the understanding of the project, you will be able to distinguish what the problem is. Learning styles are methods that people learn from and the appropriate setting as well. “It is important to realize that if students view strategy instruction and learning as simply a matter of fulfilling the requirements of the syllabus, it is unlikely that they will internalize strategies discussed in class and use them as tools for achieving progress in learning.” (Zhang, 2011). Learning your styles will help to familiarize yourself with your strongest points of learning down to what you need help
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