Describe the Perspectives of Senior Managers, Line Managers and Employees in Relation to Hrd and Discuss Whether They Are Equally Important.

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Describe the perspectives of senior managers, line managers and employees in relation to HRD and discuss whether they are equally important. Learning, as defined by Raymond Noe and Colin Winkler is “acquiring new and modifying existing knowledge, skills, behaviours, values or preferences resulting in a relatively permanent change in capabilities not emanating from growth process” (Noe & Winkler, 2012). ‘Human Resource Development researchers highlighted the multilevel perspectives, that of individuals, team and organisational, in order to establish the link with organisational performance’ (Alagaraja, 2013). Human resource development uses the integration of training and development, organisational development and career development to improve the overall effectiveness of the organisation, stemming from individuals to group and to the organisation as a whole. This may ‘include initiatives such as employee training, career development, coaching, mentoring, succession planning, key employee identification, and organisational development’ (Mohammed et all, 2013). The aim of HRD is to produce competent and qualified employees who perform assigned jobs and contribute to the organisations’ development and goal accomplishment efficiently and effectively (Scully-Russ, 2012). In recent years, HRD has moved beyond a narrow conception of training and development to a view that embraces the idea of learning at individual and organisational levels as a source of competitive advantage (Scully-Russ, 2012). A number of forces such as economic changes, technology, globalisation, e-commerce, attracting and retaining talent, changing demographics and diversity of the workforce, and the development of knowledge have all contributed to the view that learning is the only strategy to cope with change and organisations can respond by viewing themselves as a total learning system

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