Decision Making Paper Mgt/230

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Decision Making Mariel Torres MGT/230 October 8,2011 Angela Guest Decision making can be a hard thing, especially when you feel like you are pressed for time. About two months ago, I felt like I was a rock in a hard place. I wanted to rent this building for a hair salon, but I wasn’t sure if it was the right time to invest in a business, not knowing the in’s and out’s of buying. Not only did that play apart but, there was a lady that wanted the same building, so this made me feel rushed to make a swift decision. So like any other person that is excited and not rationalizing, I made a decision to rent the building not knowing what came along with owning your own business. I began to do my research after the fact. In doing my research I learned that as a business owner you need to have your building up to city codes. This building that I decided to rent was about 11 years old, so it was not up to city code. The city codes change almost every year. So instead of me going in and starting business right away it took me two months and twice the money.…show more content…
If I would have used the steps used in the decision making process I would have took my time to think things out. I would have been a lot more organized, and a lot less stressed. If I would have evaluated my alternatives, such as more opportunities in choosing a building space, that was already set up as a salon. I would have had more time in making my choice, and not felt rushed. Which in turn would have saved me lots of money. Evaluating the overall decision would have eased the headache and I would have been better prepared for the city codes, required for the business. Also if I would have generated alternative solutions, such as the possibility working with someone who was already established I would know more about running a hair

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