Dangerously Thin Case Study On The Genetic Code

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Dangerously Thin: A Case Study on the Genetic Code 1. Through genetic testing Henry was discovered that that both of his CYP2C9 genes contain a mutation. The CYP2C9 gene has the responsibility for breaking down many of the drugs currently in use. In the case of Henry since both sets of his CYP2C9 genes contain a mutation, his body doesn’t have the ability to the break down prescribed drugs and could easily overdose on it. 2. Genes carry important information for the production of all proteins through a process known as gene expression. Transcription occurs first, this is where the information stored in a gene’s DNA is transmitted to RNA in the cell nucleus. Messenger RNA carries this information from the DNA out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm. The second step, translation then occurs and this takes place in the cytoplasm. There the messenger RNA communicates with a ribosome and the ribosome scans the sequence of mRNA bases. These sequences contain three bases that codes for a particular amino acid. Of the amino acids made, transfer RNA begins to builds the protein.…show more content…
This caused the production of an inefficient CYP2C9 enzyme and as a result Henry was considered to be a poor metabolizer. 3. The function of a coding strand is the strand that is going to be transcribed. The function of a template strand is the complementary strand from the coding strand. The template strand is what is used as a template in the synthesis of

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