Culture in My Soul

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Culture is one of the most important concept in people’s life. In my opinion, culture is the behavior. In other words the behavior which is transmitted to us by someone is called culture. The ways of living, eating, wearing, singing, dancing and talking are all parts of a culture. The word culture is understood to mean beautiful, refined or interesting. Culture is behavior which are shared by and transmitted among the members of the society or the members of a group. Culture is the expression of our nature in our modes of living, and our thinking, our literature, religion, recreation and enjoyment. Culture is not inherited biologically, but learnt socially by people. It is not inborn. Culture is often learned ways of behaviour. Sharing hands or saying greeting or thanks are culture. Similarly wearing clothes, combing the hair, wearing ornaments, cooking the food, drinking from a glass, eating from a plate, reading a newspaper, driving a car, singing, dancing etc. are always behaviour learnt by people culturally. Culture develops through social interaction. It is shared by the members of society. No one can acquire culture without association with other humans. People become cultural people only among other people. It is the culture which helps people to develop human qualities in an environment. Deprivation is nothing but deprivation of human qualities is the worst thing that can happen in life. Culture is something shared. It is not something that people alone can have. For example customs, tradition, beliefs, values, morals, etc. are shared by people of a group or society. Culture is able to being transmitted from one generation to the next. It is transmitted not through genes but by means of language. Language is the main means of culture. But language itself is a part of culture. Also culture may be transmitted by interaction. Every nation and every
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