Cu2943 Essay

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CHAMPION EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION. CU2943 Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility. Models of practice might include - Egalitarianism, equity, equality of opportunity, rights, privacy, individuality, independence, dignity, respect, partnerships respecting diversity, empowerment, equality of care, individual rights, individual choice, acceptance, confidentiality, redress, person-centred practice, wishes and needs, supporting privacy and dignity, allocating resources, current codes of practice, partnership working, quality assurance systems, protection from abuse and harm, support and attention for individuals, family, friends, carers, groups and communities, meeting national minimum standards, complaint procedures EGALITARIANISM – the belief that all people are equal and should be treated as such. It is the belief that all people should have the same rights. Analyse the potential effects of barriers to equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility. The potential barriers that exist - critical reflection the cycle of oppression learned helplessness dis empowerment, diminished life chance social exclusion being marginalised poor interpersonal interactions and communication risk assessments and case for action new organisational structures and systems lack of group cohesiveness differing personalities the media; prejudice implication of non compliance e.g. financial, legal, moral, health LEARNED HELPLESSNESS Definition: a condition in which one becomes unable to help oneself due to previous failed attempts at controlling ones life; also a condition in which a person establishes and maintains contact with another by adopting a helpless, powerless stance. e.g. learned helplessness is controlled behaviour in which an
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