Social Exclusion Essay

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Everybody in society is part of a social division. Thompson (2010) states that social divisions are complex and people are not only part of one group they are often part of other groups, for a example a asylum seekers can be linked with social divisions such as poverty, unemployment and homelessness. Asylum seekers can also be marginalised by language barriers. Supporting Thompson (2010) is Armstrong (2006) who stated in 1997, 4.8 million adults suffered from five or more disadvantages of exclusion. Social divisions are: class, race, disability, identify, gender and geographical environment, they are often problematic to individuals, groups and communities. Each Government which has come into power has tried to eradicate poverty, poor health, poor communities, discrimination and prejudice towards certain individuals and groups (Alcock, 2008). Social exclusion, which excludes people from society, can be categorised into people who are, ex offenders, homeless, elderly, youths, children, single parents, people with a disability, and/ or mental health issues, asylum seekers, communities and neighbourhoods. One interpretation of social exclusion comes from the European Commission’s recent Joint Report ,which states ‘social exclusion is a process where individuals are made to feel pushed out and prevented from participating in society, due to poverty or lack of education. This may result in discrimination, resulting in exclusion from jobs, an income, limited education, lack of social and community opportunities and possibly feeling powerless’ (Europa, 2003). A structural view from Field (1989) and Dahrendorf (1987) who believe it is the structures in society that exclude people. Another, interpretation from the Social Exclusion Unit London (SEU) states social exclusion is 'a shorthand label for what can happen when individuals or areas suffer from a combination
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