Cu1515 Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings

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1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate. People communicate in order to share information with each other, we can communicate through speech, body language or even sign language; all these are designed to help us share our ideas and opinions, express our feelings, socialise with each other and live as a member of the community who can express their personal outlook on life with others. 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work Service users communicate their needs and wishes with the care assistant so in order to provide self centered care, it is vital for communication to be affective. Some service users might struggle to express their needs however it is important to maintain the communication standards by for example using visual aids or other appropriate tools. This will allow service users to make informed choices regarding their care based on the options available 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them. In day to day life we often communicate through body language and facial expressions without even realising, there are many times where in a conversation you might nod, shake your head, or raise your eyebrows in surprise as oppose to giving a verbal answer. This is why it is important to watch the individual’s body language and facial expressions whilst communicating. It is particularly vital when interacting with service users as their verbal communication is likely to be compromised. Body language is often more reliable as it is instinctive and hard to control. 2.1 Find out individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences. It is essential to find out the individual’s communication barriers before being able to communicate with them effectively. In order to support a service user with communication difficulties, there needs
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