Craddock Cup Case Study

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Craddock Cup April 10, 2012 April 19, 2013 MEMORANDUM To: Board of Directors, Craddock Youth Soccer League (CYSL) From: Jose Rivaldo, General Manager Subj: Recommendations for future CYSL Craddock Cup tournaments This past year’s tournament was considered a great success by the players, their families and the local community. However, the tournament has failed to meet CYSL expectations to generate $6000 to be used toward the goal of soccer field acquisitions. Financial statements for this past year’s tournament show a net loss of $3698, this is due to a combination of tournament structure and deceptive accounting. Currently, the tournament operates as a net loss because our sources of revenue simply do not bring in enough money to cover our expenses. I recommend that we double the number of teams participating in the tournament by including a middle-school bracket for both boys and girls. Additionally, attracting more college recruiters will increase demand for participation and thus allow for increased registration fees. Also, our current accounting practices include overhead costs to CYSL that are not directly attributable to the tournament. These overhead expenses added to financial statements complicate decision making by adding irrelevant costs that CYSL would still incur, even if the Cup is discontinued. I…show more content…
Current Situation Proposed with 32 additional teams Proposed with 32 additional teams and differential analysis (irrelevant overhead removed) Net Profit (Loss) ($3,698) ($4,286) $5,914 Break-even registration fees $410.96 $361.97 $202.59 Very respectfully, Jose Rivaldo Appendix – Financial calculations Expenses and costs for the Craddock Cup Appendix – Financial calculations Profit and losses for the Craddock Cup Includes a break-even registration fee given a $1000 increase in advertising expense, 15 additional college recruiters and 20 additional face
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