Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Paper

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Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Paper Ethics are accepted standards of professional behavior, values, and guiding principles. Professional organizations establish codes of ethics to help members in performing their job with sound and consistent ethical principles. Counselors must use the code of ethics to make difficult decisions in order to provide the best care possible of their clients. This paper will examine how counselors use the code of ethics to protect not only the client, but themselves as well. Counselor Values Abortion A 19-year-old rape victim wants an abortion, but her parents are vehemently opposed to abortion on religious grounds and have stated that they will no longer consider her their daughter if she proceeds. The young woman is firm in her plans, but wants the counselor’s help in changing her parents’ attitudes. Women have the right to safe and legal abortions. It is estimated that 19-20 million unsafe abortions take place every year. The overwhelming majority are in developing countries. Of these abortions, about 68,000 result in the woman’s death. Many more women are injured, some permanently. In contrast, the death rate from abortion in developed nations is less than 1 in every 100,000 procedures. In fact, it is one of the safest procedures in modern medicine. There is also the cost involved in treating complications from unsafe abortions. The health-care services of these developing countries are already very limited. Now, they must provide treatment for something that could be prevented if the woman had access to safe abortions. Time and time again, it has been proven that women’s health improves when abortions and contraceptives are made safe, legal, and easily accessible. Despite laws and public opinion, women have always had abortions and will continue to do so. They should be able to have an abortion done

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