Corporate Governance P&G vs Unilever

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Corporate governances Corporate Governance is the interaction of the management, shareholders and Board of Directors to help ensure that all investors—both shareholders and creditors—are protected against managers acting solely in their own best interest. Corporate Governance consists of laws, policies, procedures and, most importantly, practices that ensure the well-being of the assets of the Company. Corporate Governance is at its highest levels when management acts as if they are long-term investors in the Company. Unilever Transparency and accountability are the two basic tenets of Corporate Governance. Responsible corporate conduct is integral to the way Unilever do business. Its actions are governed by its values and principles, which are reinforced at all levels within the Company. Employees at Unilever are committed to doing things the right way which means taking business decisions and acting in a way that is ethical and is in compliance with the applicable legislation. Its Code of Business Principles is an extension of its values and reflects its continued commitment to ethical business practices and regulatory compliance. Unilever acknowledge its employees individual and collective responsibilities to manage their business activities with integrity. To succeed, Unilever’s employees believe, requires highest standards of corporate behavior towards everyone they work with, the communities they touch and the environment on which they have an impact. This is their way to sustainable, profitable growth and creating long term value for its shareholders, its people and its business partners. The Board of Directors (‘the Board’) of Company is responsible for and committed to sound principles of Corporate Governance in the Company. The Board plays a crucial role in overseeing how the management serves the short and long term interests of shareholders and

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