Control of Life Outline

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How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life By: Alan Lakein Publication Date: 1973 Chapter 1 In this chapter it summarize about how time is life. Alan Lakein explained that in your life you need to make it worth living it. Time can go fast you need to we need to work ourselves through it in a smarter way not the harder way. Lakein also said there is no such thing as lack of time. He explained that no matter how busy we are we always have time to do something. Lakein explained how people are busier than us and they still get time to do things. Just because they use their time wisely and in advantage. Chapter 2 Chapter two about pay off by controlling your time, because controlling is the big key in your time. Lakein said that keeping your hands loose and not working you’re not going to get so much done. He told beware of the “time nut”. Where he explained about the overdoer and how it is difficult to approach it and how it makes everyone busy. Lakein also said that we are judge of our time and how we can put our work from school, house-work, or even loafing more effectively and make tasks to finish with more time in your hands. Chapter 3 In this chapter Alan Lakein explains choice can be difficult and we to understand that. He said we are the decision maker, and he explains with six types of decision. Each type has an explanation how to decide when it comes to circumstances. He also explains about term memories and how everyone wants some part of your time. So we need to face it that we need to do what others want us to but not always. Lakein quotes “There is an alternative. You can drift, dream or drown- or you can decide.” (Page 24). Chapter 4 Chapter 4 explains how to plan things in order to have control of your time and to have track have you done with your time. Lakein says that planning is like bringing the future in to the present so that
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