Examples Of Conformity In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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Kyle Knouse Mosaics November 8, 2012 Just How Splendid is the Sun After All Those who do not conform to society are on the edges of society. They are the ones who are on the outside looking in. They are the ones who, although they have to live by the law of the land are, at the same time, outside the law. Those who do not conform are looked upon and considered as strange, as not to be trusted, and in many cases, as sub-human in some way. Yet, who has the real freedom when it comes to conforming or not? Many examples of conformity along with its benefits and drawbacks are observed and illustrated in Khaled Hosseini’s novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. Those who conform to a society are, in the main, regimented and ingrained within that…show more content…
But, overall, we all follow blindly like sheep. We all may believe that we have free will to do whatever we so choose in life. But do we have free will in today's society? Until many people sit down and think about this, then they will say yes, little realizing that they are only part of the herd, one of the sheep that blindly follows the others and meekly accepts whatever laws and norms the government issues for us. Many believe that if they conform, their lives will not be as difficult as those who do not conform, but is that really the case? It seems that those who are ingrained within society do not know any better, they rush here and there, working constantly, trying to keep a roof over their head and put bread on the table. The extent of these norms cannot be expressed or generalized; there are these policies and regulations on every level of society from general human…show more content…
Imagery plays an enormous part in society, as within society, imagery is everything. Shallowness, rather than depth and substance, will always be the order of the day in today's society. However much we try to obey the laws of society, and the pressures that society can bring, there is a certain inevitability about it all. People are miserable, gray, tired, and worn. They are sick of the mounting pressures put upon them; sick of working long hours for little pay, sick of obeying the law when the law is nowhere to be seen for them when they may need it the most. Yet, step outside the barriers of society and one is looked upon as strange, as someone not to be trusted and looked upon with suspicion. Those who are on the fringes of society, those who live by their own rules and regulations, need no government to govern them. They are their own law, and so their minds are free to discover other things. Indeed, they receive their education by experiencing life. Such people do not follow the herd, and these are the ones governments and dictatorships would dearly love to
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