Ensure Your Work Goals Reflect the Organisation’s Plan

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SMART goals When establishing our goals we can use the SMART acronym to identify the specific information we will need for the planning stage. S = SPECIFIC Goals need to be something specific in order for us to be able to visualise them. Often we set goals that are so loose, it's nearly impossible to judge whether we achieve them or not. For example, a statement like "I will lose weight" is too vague. How will you know if and when you've reached your goal? Saying, “I will lose two kilos this month" is more specific. At the end of the month it will be a simple matter of weights and measures: take your measurements and get on the scale. To specify your goal, answer as many of the ‘6 Ws’ as possible.  Who: Who is involved?  What: What do I want to accomplish?  Where: Identify a location  When: Establish a timeframe  Which: Identify requirements and constraints  Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal. M = MEASURABLE We need to be able to measure a goal to know how close we are to reaching it. Without being able to track our progress, we may become de-motivated and lose sight of the goal altogether. To determine criteria for measuring the goal, ask questions such as: how much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished? A = ATTAINABLE A key factor in setting goals is to ensure our goals are attainable. We want to set goals that allow us to grow in our skills and knowledge and stretch our personal boundaries, but the goal still needs to be achievable. If the goal set requires too much growth and stretching, we will soon get discouraged and stop trying to reach it. Making a goal attainable may be more about being realistic about the timeframe than changing the specifics of the goal. For instance, you may need to break the goal down into short term tasks that you can complete with a little

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