Consumer Compliance Officer

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Consumer Compliance Officer A federal consumer compliance officer works for the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). This is an independent federal regulatory agency, which was created in 1972 by congress with the passage of the Consumer Product Safety Act. A compliance officer is tasked with the responsibility of protecting the public against unreasonable risks of injury and death associated with consumer products. There are over 15,000 types of consumer products that each year causes and average of 25,100 deaths plus, 33.3 million injuries with these products ( The consumer compliance officer assists and develops voluntary standards; issue and enforce mandatory standards; and bans consumer products if no…show more content…
A person can be highly motivated but not possess the skills needed to do the job, or the workplace may not be conducive to doing the job. There are four approaches for motivating employees, meeting basic human needs, and creating a job that inspires motivation, encouraging them that they can do it, and treating people fairly. The motivational aspects of goal setting puts the focus on the individual and getting the proper focus that encourages completing the task. Goal setting has five conditions to be effective, the person must have the knowledge and ability to achieve the goal, there has to be a commitment to achieve the goal, progress check with feedback so to make adjustments as needed, sub-goals if they are complex, and the resources to attain the goals (Hellriegel & Slocum, 2011). Some limitations of goal setting, the first is if the employees lacks the skills and abilities needed to reach the goal it will not work. To assist and employee with the issue they require additional training. Second, if a task is complex, it requires additional time and the right environment that allows full focus. The third limitation is making sure that the reward are given for the right outcomes, some rewards can be set up and the employees find work a rounds to achieve the goals at any cost (Hellriegel & Slocum,…show more content…
That is not the case, most people need a reason that is satisfying to them to reach a higher level of performance. There are also people that are not interested nor do they need motivating factors, they are completely happy with just being given a task and performing that task and going home. Each person needs performance, rewards, satisfaction, or consequences to be induced to reach the next level. Stress can become a problem for most workers depending on their ability to handle it; each person has it capacity for stress. Working in a place that has a lot of stress either with co-workers or management will not inspire success, and it will eventually effect the organization financially. Communication is also very crucial to the success of an organization and it extends from the top to bottom and vice

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