Contrast Btween Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom

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People have no issues with believing in tangible evidence. Data is simply this. Data are facts represented by items or symbols which are out of context and have no relation to other things. To start, data is the plural form of datum and is quite often referred to in the wrong form. Data, in itself has no apparent benefit to any one person or group of people in particular. These bits or pieces of information do not necessarily tell a tale or paint a picture or create a theme. Data is raw and can exist in many forms. Data can be numbers, symbols, ticks as well as many other things. It can simply be a stimulus. A datum is simply a thing. Information is data that has been assigned a meaning by way of a relational factor. In context, data can be transformed into information. Even this has no particular meaning. Information can be useful to many but can be as useless to some as a three dollar bill. If data can lead the subject or receiver to be lead to a certain objective, it is said to be information. Information has many meanings and connotations. The problem is that information has no absolute meaning and many tend to confuse the word and attempt to morph it into their own creations. The problem that lies with information is that much of what is considered information in today’s society is false. Information, in the traditional sense is often thought of as being contained in large hard back books in vast acres of libraries across the world. Information, like many tangible items can now be considered a technology. In fact, there is a sector of the economy based on just this. There is information technology, information literacy, information sciences and many more fields. Webster’s Collegiate dictionary defines knowledge as the “the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association.” This unlike

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