Conflict Is Born of Ignorance and Intolerance

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Hi my name is Gabby Muus and I am here today to talk about societies ignorance and intolerance to different religions and beliefs, thus causing conflict between nations. I am from the University of Melbourne studying international affairs and because of my research in conflict between countries I have been asked today to speak to you all about religious conflict, the causes of conflict and conflict resolutions. These points will focus on the development of religious fundamentalism and the ignorance of others beliefs and morals, how ignorance and lack of understanding can cause current conflict and the role of education as a tool for conflict management/resolutions. An educational and religious understanding as well as the tolerance of other religions is something I myself would like everyone here to gain an excellent knowledge of, as these are critical components to the prevention and solution of future conflicts. The development of religious fundamentalism caused many conflicts, some minor and others major. The Taliban which is one of the Mujahedeen groups that formed during the war are a religious dictatorship that believes they have the only right in interpreting the Holy book of Muslims. The Taliban believed in getting rid of anyone who had a different religious view including more scientific beliefs. Severe punishment including death was enforced upon those who did not follow the Taliban’s rules. The Taliban was also the cause for why women weren’t allowed to be educated thus leading to the Malala Yousafzai incident. Malala Yousafzai was a young schoolgirl who protested for female education, she wrote a blog explaining her life under the Taliban and wrote about her beliefs in having female education. Malala was negatively influence by religious fundamentalism when she was shot in the head on her school bus by the Taliban. Luckily enough she survived but

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