Complete Maus Literary Effects

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Lasting Effects of the Holocaust Art Spiegelman’s Pulitzer Winning comic book, The Complete Maus, was first published as two separate volumes of books; Volume One: “My Father Bleeds History,” back in 1986, and then Volume 2: “And Here My Troubles Began,” back in 1991 before being integrated into a single thick volume. The story of Maus centers on Spielgelman’s want and desire to shed light on his Father’s personal experience during the Holocaust of World War Two. Throughout all of literature history, there have been many books that focus on the Holocaust. In retrospect, those books, while dealing with very important and interesting subject matter, seem to become redundant as each book is published after the next simply because the tragic…show more content…
Distinctions are made quite clear early on with the use of animals for certain nationalities as a way to show the readers a race hierarchy and the creative decisions in the art style help to tell a not so typical tale of the Holocaust because of its portrayal of the legacy of the event; it has stories within stories from Vladek and Art. The comic offers a look at how the Holocaust affected Vladek’s life and throughout the retelling of the experience, Vladek’s relationship with his son is affected as well. As he took every detail and story in, Art tried to understand his father all while he tried to relate to him. Just as Art tries to understand the tragedy of such an event, we as the reader also start to feel the emotions and see the faults that we as humans are guilty of. This cause and effect style of storytelling reveals the lasting impacts of the Holocaust and its effects on the family and the identity of each member and helps distinguish Maus, above all the other Holocaust books in the sea of literature as well as gives us the incentive to learn…show more content…
He longed for a clearer understanding of his father, but the most interaction that Art had with his father was through these interviews for the book. On his drive to his father’s house, Art told Francoise, “I know this is insane, but I somehow wish I had been in Auschwitz with my parents so I could really know what they lived through! . . . I guess it’s some kind of guilt about having had an easier life than they did” (176). Art knew about the struggles his parents had in the past and felt guilty that he couldn’t comprehend them simply because he was not with them during these struggles. Their past resulted in his remorse as his efforts in relating to or understanding his father failed. He also confided about his relationship with his father, “I mean, I can’t even make any sense out of my relationship with my father . . . How am I supposed to make any sense out of Auschwitz? . . . Of the Holocaust?” (174). He realized he couldn’t connect with his father and in turn muddles his connection to the Holocaust as well. As the story ends, Vladek still had the past instilled in him; he called Art by the name of his deceased son, “I’m tired from talking, Richieu, and it’s enough stories for now . . .” (296). The past trauma inflicted on him, lived on even at the end. Our story concludes with an image of Vladek’s and Anja’s names engraved on a tomb stone after Vladek called

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