Comparison Of Medieval Monarchs To Modern Day Rule

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A Life of Unlimited Power and Luxury; A life of Reality and War Although Medieval Europe existed many centuries ago, we can still find many things about it that are similar to modern-day America. The topmost people in the social hierarchy were the monarchs, or kings and queens. Today’s equivalent to these Ancient rulers is the man or woman who resides in the famous Whitehouse, the president. Monarchs and presidents share many of the same responsibilities and ways of life. Both are the elite ruler in their society. For example, they both make large and important decisions for the country or land they ruled. Next, monarchs and presidents are always very wealthy. They live in enormous houses or castles on huge plots of land. Lastly, monarchs and presidents both collect taxes from the people. These taxes are used for things like free education, charity food for the poor, and important religious ceremonies and causes. Furthermore, all people are required to pay these taxes based on their annual income. Many comparisons can be drawn from Ancient monarchs and modern presidents. However, people can also recognize many differences between these two characters. For instance, For instance, a president must be elected into office, while a monarch is merely born into the royal family. Presidents have a campaign, and if they are elected, serve at maximum two four-year terms, between which they must be re-elected. Monarchs on the other hand had power given to them, provided that they were the oldest heir of the deceased ruler, or had married into the monarchy and become part of the royal family. In addition, presidents are not permitted to do whatever they want with their power. They must first get full permission from the U.S. congress to carry out something regarding the country. In contrast, medieval monarchs were basically allowed manipulate their power and influence
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