Compare and Contrast One of the National Professional Standards for Teachers, for a Graduate and Lead Teacher, and Discuss How You Might Demonstrate Achievement of This Standard to a Professional Panel.

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Effective teachers strive to motivate and engage all their students in learning, believing every student is capable of achieving success at school and they do all they can to find ways of making each student successful. They personalize the learning for their students and uses techniques that have each student working on tasks that engage and challenge them to achieve their personal best. Teachers have a repertoire of effective teaching strategies and use them to implement well designed teaching programs and lessons. (AITSL (a), 2012). Planning influences what student will learn, because planning can transform the available time and curriculum materials into activities, assignments and tasks for students so time is the essence of planning. (Woolfolk, Margetts, 2010). To promote effective learning and teaching, implementation of quality plan is significant. Planning should include all the essential ingredients of effective teaching to model the commitment to learning. Effective teaching should acknowledge the impact of factors such as attitudes, perception, expectations, abilities, gender, socio-cultural background and maturity on every learning experience. (“Principal of effective learning and teaching”, n.d.). The purpose of instigating variety of teaching strategies is to avoid monotonous diet of same teaching style which will cause even the keenest student to lost interest. For instance, using technology to achieve maximum success is very vital, educators need to be aware of the different types of learners and how they can address their needs through the use of technology. (Ktoridue, Zarpetea, Yinguo, 2002) Teachers share a significant responsibility in preparing young people to lead successful and productive lives. The development of professional standards for teachers that can guide professional learning, practice and engagement, facilitates the improvement of

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