Coworkers with Learning Disabilities

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Identify the needs of a child or adult with learning difficulties/disabilities with whom you work and recommend possible ways forward with this person. If possible, work with at least one other person as you carry out this assessment. In your assignment you will need to: • explain and justify your methods • briefly evaluate the way you worked with your ‘partner’ • support your arguments with relevant literature. “ Inclusion is not about placing children in mainstream schools. It is about changing schools to make them more responsive to the needs of all children.” (Mittler, 2000 cited Carpenter,Ashdown & Bovair 2001) It is widely known, that assessments of the level of a student’s performance greatly influence the teacher’s planning and strategies. The QCA (Curriculum Assessment Authority) states that planning should begin with the pupil’s needs, interests, aptitudes and achievements and that all pupils should have access to programmes of study that enable them to progress and to show achievement (QCA, 2001). Out of that reason children with learning disabilities need an assessment, which is based on all involved circumstances. In this assignment I want to show the main reasons, why children with Down syndrome have very special needs and how these needs influence the learning process Having clarified this I want to show the identification of needs using an assessment portfolio and how this is used to meet individual needs of a child. I also want to evaluate the way in which the team worked to put the information for the portfolio together. Finally, ways will be considered how to unlock the full potential of a child with learning disabilities to overcome certain problems. Throughout the assignment a number of examples of practice and literature will be used to underpin the specific strategies I have chosen. To find ways forward for children with Down
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