Compare and Contrast about the theme

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Compare and Contrast about the theme “Idealism vs. Reality” Both “The lord of the Flies” and “Master Harold and the Boys” are stories, which explore the theme of “idealism vs. Reality”. The Oxford Dictionary defines idealism as “the theory that the essential nature of reality lays within good consciousness or reason.” It defines reality as “actual facts or the quality or state of being real”. According to these definitions, the theme of “Idealism vs. Reality” can be explained as a theme which looks at the conflict between a world which is governed by model ethics and morals of the highest standards and the actual world, which in reality, is less that perfect. Both stories investigate this conflict by looking at the idealistic societies that the characters would like to live in and the harsher realities of the worlds with imperfect morals and social rules which they are ultimately forced to live in. The characters in the book “Lord of the Flies” demonstrated this search for idealism against a backdrop, which is filled with unethical and unjust social practices. In the beginning of the book, the boys attempt to create their own little community where everyone has their own job to accomplish. They also construct rules they need to follow; “We’ve got to have rules and obey them.” (42 Golding) The rules are put in place to help maintain order and justice within the community they are building. But in the end, the community doesn’t turn out in the way some of the more idealistic characters expected it to. This shows the loss of ‘idealism’ when faced with challenges presented by society. Such as man’s selfishness, desire of power and corruption. In Lord of the Flies, the author, William Golding was trying to emphasize his point at the end of the book; the imperfections of mankind. It was shown when most of the boys were killing Simon. Everyone was screaming, “ Kill
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