Compare 1950 To Today

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1950s Life vs. Now Imagine your life in the 1950s. Look how much change has occurred from then to now. The technology back then was only the beginning to what has evolved into one of today’s greatest achievements. My life right now depends on technology greatly such as to do a simple tasks like writing this paper to face-to-face talking on a cellular device. With the technology from the 1950s I wonder what my life would look like compared to today? At this moment I have many technological items such as a Television, a cellular phone, maybe a computer, etc., etc. but in the 1950s not that many people had such a privilege to even own a quarter of what I have today. Some men and women back then were lucky to own one television because it was new and started to get popular and the only type of cellular device they had was a home corded phone. Even right now I am writing this essay on a digital computer that is roughly about two feet in dimensions, which can hold around 60GB of data that probably costs $300 while the best computer they had in the 1950s was as big as two refrigerators put together, held 5MB of data and cost around $10,000 per…show more content…
In school I just listen and take notes about what is on the computer screen being projected on the wall while occasionally playing on my phone and sleeping. After school I drive home because I have nothing else to do and it has usually been a long day. When I get home I eat, watch television and procrastinate. When I’m done with that I clean the house, try to do my work and hang out with my girlfriend. My life comparison of the 1950s and now looks like I might want to live in the 1950s but I never covered how much stress life really was during that time, only the technology. My life now is the greatest thing I ever owned and even though it would be interesting to live in another time period, it wouldn’t be the
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