Closed System vs Open System

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2 Open Versus Closed Systems Learning Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to do the following: O ! Define closed-system models—scientific management, administrative management, and bureaucratic management ! Define open-system models—total quality management model and supply chain/synergy model ! Describe how the environment is changing and the need for a learning organization ! Explain how the criminal justice system can become a learning organization rganization design and management practices have transformed over time in response to changes in society. New organizations emerge when fresh needs are discovered or new technologies are available. Alternatively, organizations die or are transformed when the needs satisfied by them no longer exist or have been replaced by other needs (Katz & Kahn, 1966; Mitroff, Mason, & Pearson, 1994). Organizational theory is a way to examine and analyze organizations more precisely and intensely based on patterns and trends in organizational design and behavior, which otherwise may not have been done (Daft, 2001). The purpose of this chapter is to explore the nature of organizations and organizational theory. Scholars have provided various models to characterize organizations in order to view them more scientifically. These models become the basis for explanations of organizational events, and they can be broadly classified as closed systems or open systems depending on their starting presumption (Thompson, 1967). The closed-system models tend to focus on internal O 27 28 O ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE events when explaining organizational actions and behavior, while open-system models focus on events occurring external to the organization that influence changes within the organization. A systems view considers an organization as a set of interacting

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