Week 3 Dq3

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What are the four steps that change your mental model/mindset? Provide examples. What are some of the possible inhibitors of changing your mental models/mindsets? What is an example of a mental model/mindset of yours that you would like to change? What are the inhibitors associated with making that change? What are the four steps that change your mental model/mindset? Provide examples. The first step is to recognize the power and limits of mental models. The second step is to test the relevance of your mental models against the changing environment, generate new models and develop an integrated portfolio of models. The third step is to overcome inhibitors to change by reshaping infrastructure and the thinking of others. The fourth step is transforming your world by acting quickly upon the new models, continuously experimenting and applying a process for assessing and strengthening your models. What are some of the possible inhibitors of changing your mental models/mindsets? Inexperience, fear, lack of trust, lack of understanding or knowledge, fear of rejection, lack of motivation, doubt, and fear of failure. What is an example of a mental model/mindset of yours that you would like to change? I would like to change the mental mindset that creates doubt in my mind when it comes to changes that take me out of my comfort zone in relation to my professional/academic life. I fear the unknown and doubt that I am able to achieve success if I change jobs or if I pursue a law degree. This fear inhibits me and keeps me in my comfort zone. It is strange that I have such doubts about these areas, because I have been able to achieve success in both areas of education and my career. But, my mindset doubts my abilities and keeps my in my comfort zone where I feel safe. What are the inhibitors associated with making that change? Inhibitors associated with
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