Class Conflict Essay

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Social cohesion and class conflict are two different but both applicable approaches to Australian society. Social cohesion Is Individuals coming together to form a larger society with people who share similar interests, have a sense of common concern and generally trust each other. Without social cohesion day to day life would become unpredictable and somewhat dangerous. Class conflict is separated into two different super structures; The working class and the capitalists. As Karl Marx's believes without these two superstructures society would not progress and move forward. Poletariat's being the working class and Bourgeoisie being the capitalists. This essay will outline why Class conflict is a more useful approach describing Australian society today, touching on alienation then contrasts between Social cohesion and Class conflict, the conflict between the different classes in our society including the many different factors which separate the different classes but also why Australian society needs class conflict. Karl marx’s Class conflict approach is more relevant to Australian society today in regards to many factors. Every day individuals are categorised into different classes. Some individuals even become alienated because our society says they don’t have the requirements to fit into a particular class. This is noticed as early as childhood in the playground, One child may not have the most up to date sneakers there for the “capitalist” of the children may exclude him or her from any activities the children might undertake. A key concept of Marx’s, alienation refers to the relationship between people and their labour and the fact that, under capitalism, workers are separated from the things they produce, which thus have no meaning for them.” Germove and Poole 2011, P.21 Again separating the two Poletariat's and Bourgeoisie.
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