Chrome Operating System

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ABSTRACT – GOOGLE CHROME BOOK Submitted by: Jennifer Pinto Chrome is the name of a web browser used for browsing the internet on a computer. In the late 1990’s when the browsers were designed they were designed for using the internet which was slow in that period. So one of GOOGLE’s brain child thought why not design a browser which could make internet computing faster? So they designed a browser called the GOOGLE CHROME. In the later stages of development the developer’s at Google wished to convert it into an operating system & this practical implementation lead to the discovery of chrome laptops which consisted of the Chrome Browser as the Operating system. The major thought behind developing this operating system is to reduce the time consumed when the power button is turned on by the user and facilitating the easiest way of computing which is done in the present day computers. The Google Chrome OS is one of the latest and advanced operating system which was especially designed for Browser experience on your system, that's why this operating system is called as a web browser operating system. You don’t have to install any type of application for Google Chrome which is used for web services and usage. So surely you aren’t required to install any of required applications, manage updates or take a back up your data. In Google chrome OS; your data will be stored in a cloud so you don't need to worry about antivirus services or software for your laptop. The Google Chrome OS is called as a Linux-based open source OS which was centered on Google Chrome browser. So if you are always using internet then the Chrome OS is perfectly good for you. With the Chrome OS working behind the scenes, you are able to download anything onto your system by a simple method and you can save your files using the Chrome browser. The upcoming Chrome OS notebook or
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