Chocolate Milk in School

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Below is a sample argumentative essay written by a fifth grader. What parts can be improved upon? Schools should keep serving chocolate milk. There should be chocolate milk because kids like it, it gives vitamins, and it gets kids in good habits. Many kids love chocolate milk – it makes them happy to see it in the cafeteria, their lunch box, at their kitchen table. Research shows that, overall, chocolate milk is pretty good for kids. It’s especially important that kids like chocolate milk. It turns out that more kids drink milk, when they can get chocolate milk. When you interview a lot of parents, like Katie Couric did, they’ll say that their kids only drink milk if they can get chocolate milk. So at least they’re drinking milk. In a survey of students in this school, 84% said that they would drink more milk if they had chocolate milk available. Of those same students, 28% said that they wouldn’t drink any milk at all unless it was chocolate. Surprisingly, chocolate milk turns out to have vitamins. A nutritionist from the Dairy Association, demonstrates that chocolate milk is a good source of vitamin A, D, E, and calcium. That’s a lot of vitamins and they’re in something kids actually like to drink! In her information session, the nutritionist is with kids who drink chocolate milk. Their bright teeth and glossy hair illustrates that kids who love chocolate milk will be that healthy. There’s one more reason why chocolate milk should be served in schools. The famous nutritionist argued that chocolate milk has a lot less sugar and carbohydrates than soda and power drinks like Gatorade. So if kids get in the habit of drinking milk in school, then they’ll probably skip the sodas outside of school. The chocolate milk that is served in our school, for instance, is low fat. So it is a lot better for kids

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