Child Neglect Essay

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Neglect (Ref childcare and education-penny tassoni. Kate beith) Parents who neglect their children may have significant personal and other problems of their own. The children might be loved but parents find it hard to provide the basic care that children need Signs of neglect can be seen when the child suffers significant harm or impairment of development by being deprived of food, stimulation, supervison and safety, attachment to and affection from adults, medical care. Other behavioural indications signs may be: children mention being unsupervised, older children seem to take significant responsibility for younger children ,e.g cooking meals.parents rarely appear in setting, e.g collecting children ,parent open evenings. Children who are being neglected are at risk of having accidents through being left unsupervised either at home or out playing. They are also vulnerable to attack from strangers. Neglect is not a once of incident, it is a constant repeat of an incident. Emotional abuse when a child’s need for affection, approval, consistency and security are not met. Emotional abuse is normally to be found in the relationship between a caregiver and a child. Children who being emotionally abused are very vulnerable because they are happy to receive attention from anyone. This means that some paedophiles can target them as they offer the child love and affection. In the longer term , children with such low self- esteem are likely to underachieve at school and may form intense relationships at an early age. Teenage pregnancies are often a result of children feeling unloved. (Ref childcare and education-penny tassoni. Kate beith) The child care act 1991 Legislation basis for dealing with children in need of care and protection is provided by the child care act, 1991. Section 3 of this act, is the cornerstone and outlines the functions of the health

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