Child Behavior On The Downward Spiral?

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Brady Fulkerson Mrs. Wilson English IV Dual Credit 3/20/12 Child Behavior on the Downward Spiral? The human mind is a fragile and important organ to the human body as well as the heart and the lungs. A child’s mind is easily molded into what your parents want it to be and children learn from seeing the environment around them. The question is, has child behavior worsened in generations today by environment they live in? Parents have influence on what goes into your head and what does not. For example they teach you from a young age that drugs and alcohol are bad for you and doing them underage is a bad idea, but if the parents and environment the child lives in is the opposite of the last statement and the parent’s abuse drugs and alcohol then child will follow in their steps over time. They follow in their footsteps because kids need someone to look up too and most of the time it is the parent’s and it goes to the saying “monkey see, monkey do”. Drugs and alcohol are not the only contributors; other sources such as media can cause this bad behavioral break out that is spreading from child to child. The more times a child see’s violence and anger on T.V they again will think that since it is on T.V that it has to be right. Another huge contributor to the outbreak is peer pressure and the types of people sons and daughters are around on a daily basis whether it is at school or out in public. If a “bad seed” if you will, is around your son or daughter enough to persuade and or pressure him or her into doing something wrong he or she will feel the urge to do it again because of the rush it gives. Since the mind is easily molded at a young age parents should take the initiative to promote good behavior in their children so they do not end up in places like a juvenile detention center or prison, but have them strive to do better places such as school and

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