Character Description of Mice and Men

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Chapter 1 George and Lennie are migrant workers. Unusually for migrant workers,they travel together George: Lennie: ‘first man was small and quick’ ‘one stays behind the other’ ‘restless eyes and sharp strong features’ ‘huge man’ ‘strong hands,slender arms’ ‘walked heavily,dragging his feet a little the way a bear drags his paws’ ‘dark of face’ ‘arms hung loosely’ ‘defined’ ‘shapeless of face’ ‘thin and bony’ ‘large pale eyes’ ‘wide sloping shoulders’ ‘ ‘snapped’ (shows quickness of his movement) the moisture off’ ‘huge companion’ has more authority over lennie ‘the follower’ Lennie and animal imagery: ‘he walked heavily...a bear drags his paws’ (Page 19) ‘snorting into the water like a horse’ (Page 20) Strong Not very clever Instinct The relationship between George and Lennie: - What kind of relationship is described ? - Textual evidence to support your points George cares very much for Lennie protects him and is worried about his health when he says, “Lennie, for God’ sakes don’t drink so much.” “Lennie.You gonna be sick like you was last night” In the book it says,Lennie who had been watching,imitated George exactly...looked over to George to see whether he had it just right.” this part tells the reader that lennie looks up to George. George feels he has a responsibility to care for Lennie and teach him new stuff, “you never oughta drink water when it aint running” Lennie is caring towards George, ‘You drink some” Lennie seeks approval from George “Look George,look what I done Lennie acts on impulse like a child, “Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water and wiggled his fingers so the water arose in little splashes”.This line also shows his clumsiness George knows Lennie really well Lennie is both childish and dependent Key events of Chapter one: The Mouse (Reflects Lennie’s
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