Lennie In Of Mice And Men Essay

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Mice and men “How does John Steinbeck portray Lennie in the novel of and men?” In the first chapter Steinbeck portrays Lennie Small straight away he presents him as a type of animal Steinbeck starts to use physical features this is where he uses metaphors to describe Lennie as having big paws the phase he uses ‘Lennie dabbed his big paws in the water and wiggled’ this portrays Lennie slightly to towards the reader that he’s a big size of nature. The word which Steinbeck uses ‘big paws’ this illustrates that he has an animal type appearance with the word ‘paw’ describing his hands. The way the author uses the phases in the first chapter is using animal metaphorical language to build a picture that he’s a huge type of animal. The author uses another portrayal in the situation when Lennie is drinking out of the lake the author describes him again as an animal ‘drinks beer like a horse out of a lake’ this builds up…show more content…
Further on in the first chapter John Steinbeck shows that George cares for Lennie due to him getting in trouble situations such as when they both had the same job Lennie got blame and sacked for raping a girl. John Steinbeck is portrays Lennie as a comparing him to a six year old child in another sentence Steinbeck compares his appearance as a huge bear and drinks beer like a horse out of a lake. To shows the audience that Lennie has two side of him as a childish young child and a huge human of nature. Next Steinbeck shows that Lennie is controlled by George in comparison George is basically a father and Lennie is a son. Georges reprimands Lennie when he makes disturbance to people and mistakes in his life. This shows the audience that Lennie idolize George the way which John Steinbeck is presenting Lennie as a childish man and has a mind of a young
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