Cellular Respiration Lab

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VIII. Conclusion The hypothesis that the yeast and sugar mixture will produce and release more carbon dioxide than only yeast has been accepted. This is because according to the data that was collected five minutes after the yeast and sugar were mixed, the circumference of the balloon was seven centimeters, an increase of four and a half centimeters in the circumference of the balloon since the beginning of the experiment; evidence that carbon dioxide was produced and released by the yeast. Furthermore, ten minutes after the test tubes were mixed, the test tubes with yeast and sugar mixed together had a balloon circumference of ten centimeters while the balloons over the only yeast test tubes had a circumference of eight centimeters. This evidently shows that the mixture of yeast and sugar releases more carbon dioxide, causing the balloon to expand more and thus have a larger circumference. There are many reasons for why the results turned out the way they did. One scientific explanation for the findings is that, “baker’s yeast or Saccharomyces cerevisiae goes through anaerobic fermentation when there is a lack of oxygen” (Microbiologybytes video library). During this anaerobic fermentation, “sugar is converted to energy without oxygen, leading to the creation of ATP and two by products: ethanol and carbon dioxide” (Andrew, 2007). Thus, when sugar and yeast were mixed together in a test tube with no oxygen, carbon dioxide was released into the balloon, causing its circumference to grow larger. But, when sugar was not mixed with the yeast, there was no additional source of energy and thus, the sizes of the balloons were smaller. Some suspected experimental errors are inaccurate measurements and the loss of carbon dioxide gas before balloons were placed over the test tubes. Because of the shortage of time, the measurements taken of yeast and sugar were
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