Causes and Effects of Water Pollution

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Water is an essential resource to the life of organisms. About 70 percent of the earth is covered by water. However, the earth's water is constantly contaminated and disturbed by the people who use the water supply; this is otherwise known as water pollution. Some causes of water pollution are agriculture, industrial waste, and oil leakage. As a result, endangered marine life, and contaminated drinking water for humans. People need to understand the importance of the causes and effects of water pollution and how it is affecting the world. There are two types of water pollution. One type is called point source pollution, in which water is contaminated from one source which can be tracked down. Another type is non-point source pollution, which is when the water is contaminated from many sources that do not come from one source, but rather many sources in conjunction. According to agricultural scientist Dr. P.K Goel, one of the most dangerous causes of water pollution would be agriculture. Agriculture is a non-point source of water pollution. It is a non-point source of water pollution because fertilizers and other pollutants are gathered from fertilized fields, which then find their way to bodies of water that humans or animals use. Water pollution expert Amruta Gaikwad says farmers are trying to enhance the growth of their crops. In order for the farmers to enhance their plants, they must use chemicals that are harmful to animals. These harmful chemicals are then seeping into groundwater used by humans and bodies of water inhabited by marine animals (Gaikwad). Agricultural scientists must also protect their crops from pests such as insects. To do this, they must use pesticides to keep the pests from harming their crops. These pesticides are released into the air and are most likely floating about the plants and float into nearby bodies of water. This causes them to

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